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What is Regenerative Medicine?

Regenerative Medicine is a cutting-edge medical field which combines the latest research and medical technologies, to focus on non-surgical and minimally invasive treatment of damaged or injured tissue, found in tendons, muscles, ligaments, nerves, or cartilage, for example. Regenerative Medicine utilizes the healing protentional of the bodies own stem cells, growth factors, and other biologic components to support and stimulate the body’s natural repair processes. These treatments may reverse the effects of traumatic injury, chronic pain, or wear and tear due to sports, exercise, age, or overuse.

What are Stem Cells?

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSC’s) are novel cells that have the ability to multiply, change into another type of cell with a more specialized application and can auto-renew. Stem cells are capable of becoming tendon, ligaments, muscle, bone, or cartilage. Stem cells also recruit other stem cells and repair cells living in the nearby tissue to “activate” the healing process. With this in mind, MSC could stand for “medicinal signaling cells.” Research leads us to believe that stem cells work for orthopedic conditions by reprogramming and restoring damaged tissue to a healthy growth and low inflammatory environment. Basically, stem cells promote the body to self-heal. Although more study needs to be done, we believe that stem cell therapies can revolutionize the treatment of non-surgical joint and musculoskeletal pain. Currently, the sole way to get living and viable stem cells is to harvest them from the patient’s on body.

What Regenerative and Orthobiologic therapeutic options do we offer?

  • PRP or Platelet Rich Plasma which are concentrated platelets by centrifuging your own blood with FDA approved, office-based instrumentation.
  • Adipose Derived Stems Cells harvested and expertly prepared from your own fatty tissue, using minimally techniques and FDA approved instruments,in our office.
  • FDA approved Allogeneic Exosomes
  • FDA approved Placental Matrix Allografts

What are commonly treated conditions?

  • Degenerative Disc Disease
  • Achilles Tendonitis, Tendinopathy, and Tears
  • Rotator Cuff & Labral Tears
  • Calcific Tendon, Frozen Shoulder
  • Sacroiliac (SI) Joint Dysfunction Sacroiliac (SI) Joint Dysfunction
  • Tennis Elbow, UCL Strains
  • Stress Fractures
  • Bursitis, Synovitis
  • Tendinitis, Tendinosis
  • Osteoarthritis, Degenerative Joints
  • ACL, PCL, Meniscal Tears
  • Peripheral Neuropathy
  • Tendon, Ligament, Muscle Strains
  • Plantar Fasciitis, Heal Pain

Am I a candidate?

Practically anyone, whether a professional or amateur athlete, weekend warrior, gym body, or elder with wear and tear can be treated with regenerative medical techniques for musculoskeletal pain or injury; particularly those who don’t want to undergo surgery or want to prevent or reverse further injury. Mitigating factors depends on your medical history, comorbidities, nutritional and lifestyle status. The choice to utilize your own tissue for autologous treatment vs. using allogeneic FDA approved products or a combination., is a decision to be made by you and Dr. McBeth based on your specific clinical status and financial bias. The prevention involves early diagnosis and treatment of injury. Well selected candidates have a high level of success. A small study showed a pain level of “zero out of ten” after 5 weeks, posttreatment for patients ranging from age 23 to 77 years old with various musculoskeletal ailments.

How are the ortho-biologic treatments performed?

After careful diagnosis is made typically using safe and non-invasive ultrasound imaging, a treatment plan will be established. Depending on the patient’s clinical circumstance, a decision to harvest the patient’s own blood, fat, bone marrow, vs. the use of allogeneic tissue, will be made. These ortho-biologic products are then administered to the precise anatomic site of injury via ultrasound-guided techniques using local anesthesia.

How long do the treatments take?

Allogeneic ortho-biologic treatments can be performed in as little and 5 to 10 minutes with the entire visit lasting for 30 to one hours. Autologous or same donor treatments, like PRP using your own blood, may take 30 minutes to prepare the specimen and 5 to 60 minutes to administer the PRP, depending on the number of sites treated. Adipose(fat) derived stem cells may take 60 to 90 minutes to harvest and prepare the specimen plus another 30 to 60 minutes to administer the ortho-biologic, depending on the number of anatomic sites for delivery.

What should I expect following treatment?

A period of 3-day rest of the treated site is usually required, whereby one may return to work the next day, provided the occupation allows for rest and immobilization of the treated site. Pain relief may be realized as soon as 3 - 10 days but, can take longer, depending on the extent of damage. Follow-up appointments with Dr. McBeth are usually at 3 days telephonically and 1 month after the procedure. Return to exercise and full activity is graduated over the course of 3 months, depending on the pathology.

Does my health insurance pay for regenerative medical treatments?

Most regenerative therapies are considered elective and not covered by insurance providers. We accept AMEX, VISA, MASTERCARD, and CASH as suitable forms of payment.


Adipose (Fat) Derived Stem Cell Harvesting FAQ’s

How Long Will the ADSC Procedure Take?

The Fat Harvesting of ADSC’s may typically take 1- 1.5 hours.

Does the Fat Harvesting procedure hurt?

The procedure is done using a local anesthetic or numbing medicine so, generally there is minimal or no discomfort. Most patients experience the sensation of pressure during the anesthetic instillation and fat harvest.

What Conditions Can be Treated with Adipose Derived Stem Cells?

ADSC’s are an excellent treatment for wear and tear arthritis or osteoarthritis because, There are a significant number of stem cells stored in fat and do not diminish much over time. Fat can also act as a cushion for worn out cartilage and therefore, is an excellent choice for people over 60.

Are There Risks or Complications of Harvesting ADSC’s?

Usually subside in a few days to a week or so. Arnica gel, moist heat pads with topical BenGay or Tiger Balm help to hasten the healing process at the harvest site. Additional risks are possible but One may experience mild soreness, swelling, and bruising at the harvest site. The symptoms, rarely occur and will be disclosed in your informed consent form.

What is the Recovery or Downtime Immediately After the Fat Harvesting Procedure?

The recovery or downtime after Fat Harvesting is typically slight and can last 1-3 days but, depends on which medications are used, the patient’s general health, diet, and exercise patterns. You will be asked to rest the body part treated for the course of 3 days.

How many ADSC treatments will I need?

Treatment with ADSC’s obtained from fat harvesting is meant to be curative for most soft tissue conditions. Arthritis, on the other hand, has no cure and multiple treatments may be required. The goal is to have your treatment last for several years. The frequency of treatments is determined by severity of your disease burden, general health, diet, lifestyle, and exercise patterns. Our holistic approach to managing arthritis include exercise, anti-inflammatory diets, joint supports, and follow-up treatments with PRP, Exosomes, lavage, hyaluronic acid, etc. A treatment plan will be designed and customized for you.

Is the Fat Harvesting procedure for obtaining Adipose Derived Stem Cells cover by Insurance?

Fat Harvesting is not covered by insurance providers. Beverly Hills DRx Sports Medicine will provide you with procedure pricing at your consultation. We accept AMEX, VISA, MASTERCARD, and CASH as suitable forms of payment.



What is Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)?

PRP is a is a highly concentrated platelet segment of blood injected into an injured tendon, ligament, or joint tissue. The concentrated platelets contain regenerative proteins and growth factors that promote the repair of damaged tissue.

How is the procedure done?

PRP is an office-based procedure. The first step involves drawing blood from a vein in the patient’s arm. Next, the PRP is prepared by spinning the blood in a centrifuge, removing the red, white blood cells, and much of the liquid plasma. This process creates a high concentration of platelets that is approximately 5-7 times greater than what is present in whole blood. Ultrasound is used to image the damaged tissue that need treatment. The skin is cleaned, prepped, and a numbing medicine is injected to reduce discomfort. The PRP is delivered through a needle into the targeted tissue while visualizing the process in real time with the ultrasound for precision.

What Problems Can Be Treated With PRP?

  • Tennis and Golfer’s Elbow
  • Rotator cuff injuries and Tears
  • Achilles and Patellar Tendonitis and Tears
  • Back and Neck arthritis
  • Chronic Ligament and Tendon injuries

Do PRP Injections hurt?

After PRP, patients will generally have mild to moderate discomfort. PRP works by stimulating a healing process, and the discomfort is a indication that the PRP is having an positive effect. Tylenol or a weak opioid medication will aid to keep you comfortable.

How many PRP Injections Will I Need?

The numbers of injections needed depends on the damaged tissue. Most often, soft-tissue injuries need just one treatment. Chronic conditions like osteoarthritis, the evidence suggests a Series of three injections given in 4 week intervals will yield optimal results.

Are the Results of PRP Permanent?

Unlike steroid injections, PRP is intended to restore and cure the problem. For chronic tendon, ligament, or soft tissue injuries, a cure should be possible. Steroid injections only help temporarily, need repeating, and deteriorate the joint over time. Arthritis, however, has no cure. Yet for arthritis, PRP, is a stellar treatment to improve pain and function. It works at the cellular level to bolster growth factors and decrease harmful inflammation of the arthritic joint. For this case, after the initial series of PRP is performed, you should expect a single booster injection annually. Just like your car, routine maintenance will keep your joints performing their best.

How Long Will It Take to See Results?

PRP is intended to heal and not merely hide the pain therefore, the results are gradual. Usually, patients will enjoy positive results within a few weeks to few months.

Is PRP Covered by Insurance?

PRP is not typically covered by insurance. BHDRx Sports Med will provide you with the cost of the treatment. We accept AMEX, VISA, MASTERCARD, and CASH as suitable forms of payment.

PRP Post-Care Instructions

Keep the injection site(s) clean and dry with a Band-Aid for 12 – 24 hours. You may shower at any time after PRP. Use ice only if needed. While ice can reduce pain and swelling, it acts as an anti-inflammatory, which can counteract the healing process. That said, use ice sparingly if your pain medication alone is not helping. If you start getting very sore within a few hours after the injection, please begin using your pain medication. Some patients will experience a post-injection flare of pain due to their immune system being hyper-stimulated. This may make the first 24 – 48 hours after the injection very painful. It is much easier to stay ahead of the pain rather than trying to wait and catch up. In the long run, this approach allows you to use less pain medication. Do not use any medication including: ibuprofen, naproxen, aspirin, or other prescription antiinflammatory medicines, such as Motrin, Advil, Aleve, Voltaren, Mobic, Daypro, Feldene, Lodine, Orudis, and Ansaid, starting 7 days prior to the procedure. In addition to these medications, we recommend stopping fish oil, garlic, Vitamin E, turmeric, and other supplements that fight inflammation.

Do not use any medication including: ibuprofen, naproxen, aspirin, or other prescription antiinflammatory medicines, such as Motrin, Advil, Aleve, Voltaren, Mobic, Daypro, Feldene, Lodine, Orudis, and Ansaid, starting 7 days prior to the procedure. In addition to these medications, we recommend stopping fish oil, garlic, Vitamin E, turmeric, and other supplements that fight inflammation.

Seven days after your PRP procedure, you may resume medications and supplements.

For patients on Coumadin, we advise stopping three days before the procedure and resuming three days after the procedure. Please consult with your prescribing physician before stopping. If you are not sure if a medication should be taken, please call the office at  .

  • You may use Tylenol and physician-prescribed pain medication as needed.
  • Call the physician if you develop drainage from the injection site, bleeding, or a fever.
  • You may experience some localized swelling and bruising at the injection site that will take 3 – 7 days to resolve.
  • You will be given instructions prior to leaving the procedure room regarding physical activity restrictions. Typically, we recommend starting motion to the affected area when tolerated. Light exercise, including walking or biking, is fine. Depending on the number of injections you receive, you will begin a more structured therapy and intensive exercise typically within a few weeks.
  • In general, for upper extremity procedures, refrain from repetitive motion, pulling, tugging, grasping, gripping, or heavy lifting until re-evaluated at your next visit.
  • For lower extremity procedures, such as injections into the hip, thigh, knee, ankle, and foot, you may require the use of crutches or a cane for a day or so depending on the amount of discomfort. Usually, taking it easy and resting on the couch will be sufficient.
  • You may drive home from the procedure if you had an upper extremity injection without a nerve block and drive an automatic transmission.
  • It is strongly recommended that if you have a lower extremity procedure, you have someone drive you home.